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Josh Miller Credit Card Fraudster Mug

First let me say that as a long-time merchant I have maintained a flawless 27 years transaction history with PayPal. On April 2, 2023 Joshua Miller (Josh Churchill on FaceBook) of Sherwood Park, Alberta Canada purchased a rare antique medical device from me for USD$ 750 plus shipping. Even before Mr. Miller's purchase was delivered to him, he filed a claim with his credit card company stating that the charges to his card were unauthorized, even though he knew full well that his purchase was about to arrive at his doorstep. Mr. Miller paid my two ""PayPal"" generated invoices of his own free will using a credit card and yet he was still somehow able to claim that the purchase was fraudulent. How is that possible? PayPal had no explanation for that. The case was apparently closed by Mr. Millers CC Company in his favor, simply because I entered one incorrect number when asked to submit the UPS tracking number for the shipment. Even though I provided PayPal with a copy of the shipping label and the correct tracking number, PayPal refused to follow up on the case and provide the customer’s CC company with the correct tracking information. The reason given was that "protocol had to be followed". WOW! PayPal washed it’s hands of the issue and proceeded to doc me with an $822 charge-back which showed up as a negative balance in my account. PayPal supposedly has a seller protection policy, but for whatever reason they decided it wasn't applicable in my case.

A day or two after the charge-back ($822 plus penalties), I received two payments into my account totaling nearly $300. PayPal immediately confiscated that money in order to reduce the (bogus) negative balance. This has effectively increased my losses to over $1100. If one adds the cost of the machine that was stolen from me, my total loss is almost $2000. I also was forced to close my checking account and open a new one to protect myself from PayPal. If you use PayPal, beware! After 27 years of being a very satisfied customer, I'm done with the company. Since this fiasco started, I have come across a slew of litigation cases against PayPal for a variety of ethical issues. If you have a PayPal account, BEWARE! — Giving credit where it's due, two months later after spending hours on the phone and chatting with PayPal customer service reps, PayPal finally settled the issue. The company returned the confiscated payment I received from Josh Miller, the two charge-back fees and the two subsequent confiscated payments. All that said if I hadn't been super diligent in my communications with PayPal, I would have been out nearly
$2000. It simply took speaking to the right customer service rep who was smart enough to realize what had happened and cared enough to do something about it!

On the flip-side, it looks like Joshua Miller is getting away with credit card fraud and it also appears that he got himself a free $750 antique Fisher quadruple spark gap diathermy machine plus $72 in freight charges. Photo Below.

4 spark gap fisher diathermy machine

Click to enlarge

Joshua Miller's FaceBook Profile (May be closed down)

Joshua Miller's Address and Phone Number

Joshua Miller
1114 Parker Terrace
Sherwood Park, Alberta T8A3Y5

Phone: (780) 292-3118


Below are photographs of Josh Miller (J. Churchill on FB), the Canadian man from Sherwood Park, Canada that engaged in credit card fraud and ripped me off for a very rare antique medical device. Would you trust someone that wares a hat like that? What was I thinking?


Josh MIller Canadian Credit Fraudster       Josh MIller Canadian Credit Card Fraudster

phone number

Joshua Miller 1st payment

joshua miller 2nd payment